hoyeah hari sabtu yg lepas 20 aktober 2012, we have another dinner
gathering yg cukup awesome.. hahaha, this time im already title as 3rd
year student.. hahaha , one more year to go... acceli aku baru ja jumpa
balik blog nie, dah berhabukkk.. so aku bosan n update la ape yg patot,
acceli x patot pon.. haha, btw dinner nie namanya JAMUAN RAYA SATU
MALAYSIA sempena Hari Raja Haji, Pesta Tanglong and Depavali (yekerrr???
x ingat da.. haha)... makanan dia mmg sedap(walopon dicatu) haha...
this is my few photots during the event... haha
psss: mintak kebenaran ye kengkawan sume nk upload gambar2 kita sume nehhh.. ehehehe.. halalkan makan minum... muahaha

time menggila lepas habis majlis... posing maut yeh!!!

kami semua mmg kalo jumpa kamera inilah jadinya.. hahaha!!!

picture bersama dekan pusat sains farmasi usm. he is very talented person.. saya tabik dgn beliau n dengan org yg duk sebelah beliau pakai baju purple with eye glasses..... erkk... hahaha

hahaha, time ni sume berebut nk bergambar dengan dean n dr hassan... love this so much, i'll make this as the precious memory... lol

hehhee,... blom gtaw dah tahu kan... the gathering of purple match colour dress.. hahaha, carila sapa yg paling lawa n cumel... with purple.. kakaka

the syok moment.. hahaha, love u guys... mohon ampun share gambar nie.. muahaha
nanti akan ade bnyk lg event during this 3rd year, nanti kalo ade mase i will post it here... walla3 u olls, have a great event. smoga kita smua diberkati